
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Responding to your comments

Thanks to those of you who posted to my new blog! Responding to some of your questions...

Carl said...
Some other questions that I have, that may or may not ever be addressed/answered:

In last season's finale, when the numbers were failed to be input and an EM burst was sent to the sky, did any other planes/boats crash to the island?

Given the Black Rock, Rousseau's ship, Desmond's boat, Henry Gale's balloon and flight 815, I'm betting we'll see some more new arrivals at some point...

Are Michael and Walt gone? Were they able to take a boat and navigate away from the island that Desmond (world sailor) could not?

They're not hired as regulars for the season, but the producers have said they'll be back at some point. But will they return from the outside world, in flashbacks, or from a very long time lost at sea?

Why did the Others wear rags and no shoes in the first 2 seasons when they obviously have clothes and amenities available? Are those different Others? Are the bare-foot Others the ones who took the children from the back of the plane? Is that why Ben says his Others aren't the real enemy?

Kate busted this one open last year when she found Tom's fake beard - the Others played "hillbilly" so they could seem even scarier and keep the 815 survivors from learning about their cozy little Otherville.

Will we ever see polar bears on the island again, or was that just part of Walt's special powers?

Tom said there used to be bears in Sawyer's cell, and the Pearl hatch orientation film showed polar bears when the narrator said Dharma was investigating zoology. Walt may have something to do with it, but I think the polar bears are really there.

Is the black smoke the same as the "monster" that shook trees and killed the co-pilot of flight 815 in the first few episodes?

Looks that way. Could smokey also be, or be related to the green eagle or Kate's horse? And is "Cerberus," referenced on the hatch map?

Kate said...
Anyone have any theories about this. I just can't understand how someone could live on an island that no ones even knows of for 50-some years. I'm starting to think that these people may not be so human. Any thoughts?

Since Magnus Hanso died on the island with the Black Rock (see the hatch map), I'm guessing the Hanso foundation has known about the island for some time. But again, since Ben claims to predate Dharma on the island, maybe we'll see that he has four-toed feet?

Eric said...
Gotta say that my favorite moment was seeing the Red Sox winning it...I still have that on my Tivo, and probably will for the next 84 years...would've been torture for me to be stranded on the island and miss that!

You see the kind of hell that not pushing the button can cause? Mr. Locke, what have you done? Did Krazinsky forget to push the button in 1994 when the Rangers won the Stanley Cup?

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