
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Additional reflections heading into the final week

(If you came to this page looking for my recap of "Across the Sea," have no fear - it's the next post down. And you should read that before you read this.)

This post is about a couple of further thoughts heading into the final week of Lost. Required reading (or at least recommended) is the last ever Lost podcast, which you can get to by clicking on the title of this post.

But, I guess, you really do come to me because most of you don't want to listen to podcasts, so two highlights from Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

1) As Carlton said this week, "['Across the Sea'] is what answers [on Lost] look like." The story is, and always has been about the main characters. Sure, there is this whole cosmology about the island and its properties, but what matters is what brought the characters to where they are in the story. And that story began with this one woman's really awful parenting of Jacob and his brother, a series of lessons and decisions that culminated in 815 crashing on the island.

But there will be no deeper answers on what predated this chapter, because to do so would be to fall into the "midichlorian"/TMI problem that the Star Wars prequels had.

2) But, for what it's worth, there was one line in the episode that was very important - when the man in black told mother that the donkey wheel system would harness the light and water. If the light is the heart of the island, then the water is its circulatory system (the blood, so to speak). This "blood of the island" was what healed people in the Temple, and what became corrupted (and in turn corrupted Sayid) when Jacob died. We should keep an eye on this, since it may well factor heavily into the finale.

That was it. Nothing major. Just a couple of points that merited an extra post before "Why They Died." See you after Tuesday! Namaste!

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