
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Doc Jensen Column and Fan Vid... tide you over. By far the best of several fan videos posted today on, this one highlights the many off-island coincidental (?) connections between Lost's characters. Enjoy!

As for the Doc, his insightful place-holder column can be reached by clicking on the title of this post.

Some highlights:

1) The Doc asked Executive Producer Carlton Cuse about why, at the press conference, nobody asked the Oceanic Six about how far off-course the plane was when crashed in the Indian Ocean. Rather than an obvious answer, like "the wreckage was already found so it wasn't news" or "dude, we were in the cabin, so we have no idea why the plane was off course," Cuse responded that this issue will be addressed next season. Interesting...

2) Jensen also observed how post-rescue life for the adult Oceanic Sixers marks a return to the same state of being figuratively "lost" that these characters endured before the crash. Here's what he has to say about this:

Indeed, what we've seen so far is that the castaways are living new versions of their old lives:

JACK: workaholic surgeon; drives away woman he loves; father issues
SAYID: loses true love Nadia during war; manipulated into becoming a hideous kind of soldier by his former enemy
HURLEY: food; Numbers; mental institution; dead people guilt; seeing people who shouldn't exist
We're still getting to understand the flash-forward lives of Sun and Kate, but the seeds have been planted for old unhappiness to grow anew. Before the crash, Sun felt trapped by a corrupt, unfulfilling life, not to mention her own secrets and lies. Once again, she's bargaining dangerously with her father for respect. Remember what happened when she came to her senses last time? She tried to run away. Similarly, Kate seems to have finally gotten what she's always wanted: a secure, stable home life. But like her fleeting marriage to that nice-guy cop, this idyllic life is built on a lie. It's only a matter of time before the Aaron deception gets smoked out. I have a hunch it won't be long before Kate is on the run again, pursued by a new iteration of that dogged dead marshal — her ex-husband.

3) Also, Jensen returns to the oft-cited parallels between Lost and The Wizard of Oz and predicts what will happen next.

In any case, we're only six days away from the "shock" ending that the producers have nicknamed the "Frozen Donkey Wheel." To put this in context, every season finale has had a "WTF" moment, which the writers gave a codename before it aired. In Season 1, the "Bagel" was Walt's abduction at sea by the Others. In Season 2, the "Challah" was the implosion of the hatch with Locke, Eko and Desmond still inside. In Season 3, eschewing the theme of Jewish bread products (and really, wouldn't "Matzoh" have seemed a bit flat?), the producers nick-named the revelation that Jack's flashbacks were actually flashforwards the "Snake in the Mailbox," i.e., something really shocking that you'd never expect. So for Season 4, we will get "Frozen Donkey Wheel," something that will occur before the final scene of the finale. They have declined to explain what the nickname means, because to do so would partially ruin the surprise, but they have promised that we would know it when we see it.

That's all for this week, Lostophiles. I look forward to checking in with you next weekend for my recap of the finale. Until then, Namaste.

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