
Monday, January 28, 2008

How to Watch Lost; Mind-Blowing "Missing Piece"

Two quick tidbits, Lostophiles, as we're only 3 days and change from "The Beginning of the End."

First of all, for anyone who ever wanted to learn the "correct" way to watch Lost, ABC will be running an "enhanced" version of the Season 3 finale, "Through the Looking Glass," on Wednesday night at 9 Eastern/ Pacific, 8 Central/ Mountain. According to press notes, the "enhancements" are not previously unaired footage, but rather pop-up text that will point you to the more subtle clues contained in the episode.

I have not watched this enhanced version, so I can't endorse it, per se, but I'm letting you know it's out there.

But much bigger than that is the last of the Verizon Wireless/ "Missing Pieces." If you click on the title to this post, you will be taken to Doc Arzt's blog, where he posted this fairly surprising little nugget, entitled "so it begins." Seriously, you have to watch this clip! Its "star" is Vincent, Walt's golden retriever, and the clip takes place moments after the crash but before the iconic first shot of the pilot episode. Vincent, traipsing through the jungle, is given instructions by...Christian Shepherd!

Now, this does nothing to the legitimacy of my prior post, in which I emphatically proved that the elder Dr. Shepherd no longer walks this mortal coil. Visions on the island are not limited to those whose lives they're linked to (see John Locke's conversation with Eko's deceased brother, Yemi). Moreover, the gist of the message, that Jack has "work to do," recalls what the vision of Walt told Locke at the end of last season.

So check this (and the other Missing Pieces, some of which are quite interesting) out for yourself. These are not spoilers, because they will not be part of any future episode. (For the rest of the Missing Pieces, go to

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Anonymous said...

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