Back in L.A., Jack parks his Land Rover on the 6th Street Bridge in downtown (the first moment on Lost to be filmed outside of Oahu). Jack retrieves the newspaper clip, and cries, shaking his head. He places a call, (on a brand new, state of the art Moto Krazr phone) and begins to leave a message – "I just read…" but then he hangs up the phone before we get a sense who he was calling. Jack gets out of the car and walks to the side of the bridge. He climbs up on the rail, prepares to jump. Looking up, he pleads for forgiveness, when behind him, he hears a crash. He runs to help.
As Jack is getting stiched up, the E.R. doc says the media is outside and wants to see him (the hero). The woman in the car has stabilized, because "thank God you were on the bridge." Jack's ex wife Sarah arrives, very visibly pregnant. Perhaps this is why Jack was so suicidal?
Later, bearded Jack pops some pills while he reads a chart. He is greeted by the new chief of surgery, Dr. Rob Hamill who calls him a hero. Jack is standing over the woman he saved. He says he wants to operate on her back. Dr. Hamill says no – this is not his patient. Jack insists. Dr. Hamill says no – he’s done enough. Dr. Hamill, who relates that Jack saved the woman and her 8-year-old son, demands the chart back. Jack demands to know what happens, and he leaves the room. In the waiting room, he sees a press clip of his heroism (the voice of the reporter is none other than Lost's other executive producer, Carlton Cuse), and underneath the screen, the boy he saved.
Jack, strung out, drives along, Nirvana blasting in his car. He pulls out that newspaper clip, and pulls over. He places a cell phone call (that conspicuous Krazr again), but again hangs up. He looks again at the newspaper clip. Across the street is a funeral parlor ("Hoffs/Drawlar"). Inside, there’s a casket, but no people. The director tells Jack that nobody showed up – it was just a viewing. Jack says he's neither friend nor family. He doesn’t want the casket opened…But left alone with it, Jack goes over, places a hand on the coffin, and pops his last pill.
Jack gets denied a refill at the pharmacy. The guy behind him in line says he’s a hero. Jack hands over another scrip, for Oxycodon, written by his dad, but he leaves angrily when they say they are going to call Christian’s office.
Jack breaks in to the hospital pharmacy counter. After snagging and popping some oxycodone, he tries to grab the woman’s chart. Dr. Hammill tells Jack that Mrs. Arlen (who he saved) woke up and is lucid. She described the events that caused the accident, busting Jack about his contemplated suicide. Jack asks if Dr. Hammill knows anything about him, what he’s been through? (Like his wife leaving him, we're to assume?) Jack stumbles and snarls, "get my father down here, and if I’m drunker than he is, you can fire me." Jack insists Dr. Hamill can’t help him. More on this exchange, and the exciting twist in the final L.A. sequence, below...
Beach Exodus
Charlie is busily getting pummeled by Greta and Bonnie, the gun-toting hotties discovered in the station at the end of the prior episode. The bad cop/ badder cop routine not phasing him, since he already assumed this was a one-way mission. He says he came in his invisible sub. They say he’s one of them and demand to know how he knows about the Looking Glass. Charlie says smugly that Juliet told them. Greta and Bonnie are apparently Others – and they have to call Ben. They open a portal to make the call, and Charlie sees the blinking yellow light Desmond told him about from his vision.
At Ben’s tent, he writes in a journal.
From a hillside, Jack’s crew notices the lack of a third explosion.
Bonnie keeps interrogating Charlie. He admits frankly that he is there to turn off the jamming equipment. Whatever they do to him, he’ll turn it off…but Bonnie points out he doesn’t know the code (D'oh!). Only Bonnie, Greta, and Ben know the code. Charlie smiles in response, "I guess I won’t need the code, since this entire station is going to be flooded, anyway."
Tom calls in to Ben to report. Seven Others are dead, and Jack's crew is gone. Ben tells Tom that Juliet betrayed them, and orders Tom to kill Jin to make them talk. Sayid tells Bernard not to talk, but gets knocked out with a rifle butt to the head (how Sayid does not have permanent brain damage after all the head-blows he's taken on the island escapes me). Bernard confesses that Jack's group has gone to the radio tower, and that Karl warned them the attack was coming hours earlier than Juliet thought. Ben hears over the walkie, and now knows Alex set this amush in motion.
Ben tells Richard he’s going to the tower to head off Jack's crew, and the rest of them should go to the temple (what's the temple?). Richard warns Ben not to tromp off, in light of mounting rumors about Jacob, the missing John Locke, and the deaths of the beach attack crew. Alex asks where Ben’s going. He tells her he’s looking for Jack and co. She says she’s coming, and Ben surprises her by agreeing. He lets her know Karl is with them (i.e. "I know what you been up to, young lady"). Ben tells Richard he’ll talk the 40 marchers out of leaving the island.
Kate tells Sawyer that something’s wrong because Sayid's crew has not caught up. She demands to know what happened to Sawyer when he was with Locke, since “it’s like you don’t care about anything anymore. And since when did you start calling me 'Kate?'” She observes that she was on Juliet's pregnancy watch, too. Sawyer coldly says, "well, let's hope you'e not." Sawyer walks off and looks jealously at Jack (oh, come on, James, get over it - she's yours if you want her).
Desmond wakes up on the boat and realizes Charlie went down to the station. Suddenly, Mikahil starts shooting at him from the shore, so he dives and pulls himself down to the Looking Glass by the cable. He sees the moon pool, and comes up to where Charlie is sitting. Charlie warns him to hide. The women see Charlie talking, but Charlie claims he was singing (are there any other words to that song other than "you all everbody"?). Bonnie clobbers Charlie, while Desmond hides in a locker.
Sawyer stops his march and says he’s going back. Jack tries to stop him, to no avail. Kate says she’s going too, but Sawyer says he doesn't want to go with her. Juliet says she knows where there is a cache of guns, and tells Jack she "kinda does" have to help. Jack tells Juliet not to do anything stupid. They kiss, upsetting Kate, and Juliet and Sawyer head off.
Charlie keeps singing. Bonnie goes for the spear gun, in the locker (where Desmond is hiding), to make him stop. Then Mikhail arrives. He thought Greta and Bonnie were on assignment in Canada (wait a second...could Penny's cold-weather EMP searchers be in Canada?)…Mikhail, his patch off, his missing eye sealed over, knows Desmond is down there(does this suggest the glass eye was not his? Or did his eye get sealed later, explaining why he left a glass eye behind in the Arrow station?) Charlie asks Mikhail why they were told the station is flooded, and why they’ve been jamming transmissions off the island (to drive a wedge between these three Others). When Ben calls, Mikhail takes it, alone. Ben tells Mikhail he did everything he did for the island. "The island told you it was necessary to jam your own people?" (As near as I can recall, this is the first time somebody other than Locke has anthropomorphized the island in this way). Ben asks Mikhail to "trust Jacob who told me to do this." "This island is under assault by forces than anything it has had to deal with in years, and we are meant to protect it by any means necessary." Ben apologizes for not trusting Mikhail. Mikahail accepts the apology (what a loyalist!!!). Ben needs his help – to kill Charlie, and to make sure the jamming mechanism does not stop. And he needs to take care of Greta and Bonnie, too, so no other Others learn about the jamming.
Juliet tells Sawyer the rock-breaking work detail he had been assigned to by the Others was to build a runway. She jokes – it was for the aliens, then says she didn't know what it was for. A great Lost exchange follows: Sawyer: "So you screwing Jack yet?" Juliet: "No, are you?" She tells him there are no guns - she lied so Jack would let them go back, which she's doing "for Karma." Hurley catches up to them, out of breath. He wants to help, and Charlie and Jack wouldn't let him, but Sawyer tells Hurley he’ll just get them killed, takes Juliet, and leaves a dejected Hugo behind.
Ben tells Alex he let her come with him because he’s delivering her to her new family. He caged Karl, and subjected him to deprogramming aversion therapy in Room 23, to keep him from impregnating her. "I suppose I overreacted." (I love Ben's little lines). Alex demands to know why he won't just let Jack's people leave. He says he won’t because he can’t.
Locke is still lying in the Dharma grave, where Ben left him to die, but he is very much alive (see, two weeks wasn't too long to wait to figure that out, was it?) He's having trouble moving his legs. He reaches for a gun on a Dharma corpse, and is about to shoot himself in the head, when he hears the whispers…and then he sees...Walt?! "Don’t, John. Put the gun down. Put it down, John. Now get up, John." Walt is clearly older than when last we saw him about a month ago in Lost time. (Malcolm David Kelley's aging was kind of inevitable, right? Or is this part of the story?). He says John can move his legs. He has to get out of the ditch, because he has work to do. Locke gives off a smile like he's just had his personal burning bush moment.
Jack tells Kate Sawyer's refusal to let her come was because he was trying to protect her. That’s why Jack asked her not to come back for him, too. Kate asks why he’s sticking up for Sawyer. He responds, “because I love you.” And with that, Jack keeps on marching. The party emerges into a clearing. Jack speeds up to catch Danielle, who says it’s about an hour to the tower. She has not been back since she recorded the message, and she does not want to return to civilization, as there's no place for her back there. The island is her home now. Ben and Alex are in their path. Jack goes ahead to see what’s up. Ben tells Jack they need to talk.
Mikhail puts his patch back on. He asks if it’s possible to turn the equipment off. They assure him the equipment can't be turned off without the code, and it's waterproof in case of flood. Mikhail asks why they never asked why they have to follow Ben's orders and stay there, if it can't be turned off. Bonnie says she trusts Ben, and trusts Jacob, and "the minute I start questioning orders, this whole thing that we’re doing here falls apart." (What the hell are they doing there? Isn't that the biggest remaining question?) Mikhail shoots Greta, who falls in the water, then he shoots Bonnie in the back. He apologizes, and assures Bonnie that he is following orders, too. Desmond comes out from the utility locker, spears Mikhail, and grabs the dropped gun before Bonnie can get to it.
Kate circles around Ben's position. Jack tells Naomi not to talk to Ben, who tries to introduce himself. Ben wants a moment to talk alone with Jack. Kate says noone else is there. Jack gives Ben five minutes, and takes the walkie from Ben's belt. Jack seems relieved to learn his guys killed seven Others before being taken hostage. Ben says, "Not so long ago Jack, I made a decision that took the lives of over 40 people in a single day." Ben tells Jack that it's Jack who is about to kill all the survivors. Naomi is not who she says she is - she’s a representative of some people who have been trying to find this island. She’s one of the "bad guys." (Strange - as creepy and dishonest as Ben is, I kind of believe him here). "If you phone her boat, every single living person on this island will be killed. So here’s what has to happen." Ben demands that Jack hand over her phone and says they both can then go back to their respective people. He asks for his walkie, and calls for Tom, and tells Jack what happened with the plan on the beach. Ben again demands the phone, and orders Tom to kill his prisoners if Jack doesn't comply within a minute. Sayid calls out not to negotiate. Ben asks - what do you want to get off the island for? You have no one, your father's dead, your wife left you. Jack refuses, and three gunshots are heard. Their screaming stops, and Jack, enraged, beats Ben bloody. Jack calls Tom, and declares he’s going to get his people rescued, and then he’s going to find Tom, and kill him (no more Dr. Nice Jack, huh?)
Charlie tries to get wounded Bonnie to give up the code. He points out that Ben put Mikhail up to shooting her and Greta. Why not take the opportunity to make Ben very very angry? Bonnie starts spouting out numbers – they’re the notes to "Good Vibrations," as the code was programmed by a musician. Bonnie dies...
Jack hauls Ben back to his group. He tells them to tie Ben up, and starts to walk off. Alex goes to check on Ben, and Danielle approaches Alex. Ben tells Alex this is her mother. She asks for help tying up Ben (ah, what a sweet moment of mother-daughter reunion!). Jack tells Kate that Ben killed Jin, Sayid and Bernard, and blames himself for letting it happen. He says not to tell Rose or Sun yet, that he promised Sayid he would keep moving. He didn’t kill Ben because he wanted Ben to know that he failed, when they get off the island. And then he’ll kill him (extra super revenge-y Jack comes out).
Ryan says it was an order, but Tom is pissed that they didn't kill their prisoners (it was all a bluff!) Juliet and Sawyer discuss their next move…and out comes Hurley with his Dharma bus! Ryan shoots at him, but Hurley runs him down. Saywer runs along to the bus and picks up Ryan’s gun. Sayid trips his guard and breaks his neck with his freakin' feet! Tom crawls along the sand, but Juliet gets his gun and holds him at gunpoint. Tom says he gives up, but Sawyer shoots him in the chest. “That’s for taking the kid off the raft.” Hurley, shocked, says “Dude it was over – he surrendered.” Sawyer coldly responds, "I didn’t believe him."
With Ben in tow, Hurley radios in that the Others should stay away from the beach. Hurley tells Jack that everyone is fine. The party hears this and cheers. Jack says to stay put, they’re almost at the tower. Claire asks about Charlie.
Desmond covers the bodies. Charlie asks if Des had any more flashes – no none. Charlie goes to enter the code and points out the diving gear. He hums the tune in his head, and pushes the buttons. The light stops flashing. So much for fate, is the thought conveyed on Charlie's relieved face, when a red light starts to blink, signifying an incoming transmission… It’s Penny!
Just as Naomi’s call connects, Locke throws a knife at her, and she falls over, blood pouring from her mouth. John pulls his gun on Jack. He says he did what he had to. He demands Jack step back. The phone is ringing. Ben eggs John on to shoot him, but Alex punches him and knocks him out. "You’re done keeping me on this island, John" insists Jack. Locke insists he’ll kill Jack if he has to. Jack calls the bluff, and John lowers the gun, but pleads that Jack is not supposed to do this. The call connects with a Minkowski, who is happy to hear Naomi made it to the island (not knowing about the knife in his back). Minkowski says they can get a fix on Jack’s location, and they’ll be right there. Locke wanders off back into the jungle, and Ben looks defeated.
The Big Ending – The Rest of the L.A. Sequence
Jack lives in a wreck of an apartment, with maps and notes strewn all over the place He opens his phone again, drinks some Patron, and places a call. He gets and answer and says, "don't hang up. I know what you said, but I just need to see you. At the airport, you know where." He drives out to the airport, at the end of the runway. He waits, and a car pulls up. But the Volvo is not driven by Sarah…it’s driven by Kate (Kate drives a Volvo? Is she doing taco night, too?)!
Hints about the Flash-forward
What do you make of Jack's dad apparently being alive in the flash-forward?
Could be:
a) a delusion, although Jack seems very lucid.
b) the island somehow brought him back to life, but why? As a curse on Jack?
c) it isn't really a flash forward.